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Let's End Slavery

Today might appear to be a normal day, but it’s not for some people. Let’s look into a universe where people are explicitly used as products.

Yes, I’m talking about Slavery.

We live in a world where people are getting sold into slavery. Some slaves are traded for money and sexual pleasures. While others are tricked into this situation. Most of these people end up having traumatic experiences.

The End It Movement is a combination of organizations in the world attempting to change the world. This movement #EndItMovement shines a light on Slavery. Their mission is to "bring awareness, prevention, rescue, and restoration."

One way the organization spreads awareness is by marking a Red X on their hands. There are other ways to help this organization. Click the link to donate or spread awareness about the movement.

Slavery is a big deal! Let’s stand up, bring awareness, and rescue people.

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